Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1

Yeah, that's right, i'm a movie critic.

So I think it's safe to say that this was my favorite HP movie so far, along with The Half Blood Prince. The first scene with Voldemort and his death eaters was almost exactly how I pictured it in the book. I did notice that they had Pius Thicknesse at the table with the death eaters, whereas in the book one simply mentioned who he was and that he was under the imperius curse. This didn't really bother me, as i've read the books and know who he is, but if I hadn't read the books, I might have wondered what was so "useful" about him, as Voldemort says. I also love that he was kinda creepy looking. LOVE the pinstripe suit.

The scene with the seven Harrys was pretty well done as well, I was really glad that didn't leave out Fleur's line, "Bill, don't look at me i'm hideous," and that we got to see Harry in a bra. That cracked me up. It really annoyed me that in the movie Harry was just meeting Bill Weasley and Mundungus Fletcher for the first time, but that is the fault of the directors of the previous movies. Also, i've always thought the Weasley twins were th hottest boys in the HP movies, but Bill definitely gives them a run for their money.

I can't seem to find a good picture of the dude, so this will have to do.

The highlight of this movie for me was without a doubt Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange. Bellatrix is my favorite character in the books, and they could not have cast her more perfectly. I love how insane she is, and her fabulous hair and clothes. She even looks hot with rotten teeth. The scene with her and Hermione in the Malfoy Mansion was definitely my favorite. I loved the shot of Hermione with a tear running down her cheek, and the word "mudblood" carved into her arm. That wasn't in the book, and i'm really glad they added it. It was horrifying and perfect.

Another scene they added into the movie that wasn't in the book is Harry and Hermione dancing after Ron leaves them. I had heard about this before I saw the movie, and was prepared for it to annoy the shit out of me, but I actually liked it, I thought it was pretty cute.

A few small things that they got wrong:

  • What was up with the dude they cast to play Albert Runcorn? What the fuck? The dude was described in the book as tall, muscular, and intimidating. I'm sorry, but is anybody initimidated by this fucking guy?   

It also annoyed the piss out of me that Harry left Mad Eye's eye on Umbridge's door while impersonating him.
  •  Where was the ghoul in Ron's pajamas?

  • I really wish they would have kept the scene where Kreacher hits Mundungus Fletcher on the head with a frying pan.

  • There were two instances where polyjuice potion should have been used and wasn't. Harry was supposed to attend Bill and Fleur's wedding as "Cousin Barny", and he and Hermione went to Godric's Hollow as muggles in the book. Not too big of a deal, but still.

  •  The one thing that really disappointed me about this movie was that after Dobby dies, they don't show Harry marking his grave with "Here Lies Dobby, A Free Elf". That shit made me weepy when I read it, and it sucks that they left it out of the movie.

Things they got right:

  • The actor that plays Xenophilious Lovegood. He's perfect.

  • "Keep Off The Dirigible Plums"

  • The tale of the three brothers was awesome.

  • When Ron destroys the horcrux, that scene was way cooler than I pictured it from reading the book.

  • The scene where George walks in on Harry and Ginny. (Not how it happened in the book, but it was funny as fuck.)

  • The Dumbledore dust figure. 

  • The Magic Is Might statue at the ministry.

Anyway, i'm done babbling now, here's some pictures.

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