Friday, December 10, 2010

The Last Will And Testament Of Hannah Lane Trimble

To Delaney Persinger, I leave my computer,digital camera, and alien cup.

To Kirsty Bartalone, I leave my chili lights, and my Freddy Krueger candle.

To Nicole Openshaw, I leave the magic 8 ball, my fabulous surfboard ashtray, my ipod, and my cheetah print jacket.

To Hannah Russell, I leave my last remaining doll head, along any fabulous shoes/clothing/purses/accessories that may strike her fancy.

To Tanner and Colton Brown, I leave any vehicle I may possess at the time of my death, along with my mix cds.

To Sarah Ditty, I leave any and all cosmetics, and my book entitled "Making Faces".

To Sharon Long, I leave one Ebony Maximus, in the event that my death should predecede hers. I also leave her whatever else she wants including but not limited to any residence I may possess.

To Brian Mcgreevey, I leave my light up flamingo.

To Michael Ragan I leave his Disrupt T-Shirt, and my neon green hipster shoes.

Well, that was fun.

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